

  • 트위터
  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


인쇄 스크랩 URL 트위터 페이스북 목록

애도: 상실의 끝에서 Mourning: In the wake of Loss


애도: 상실의 끝에서

Mourning: In the wake of Loss

6.30 - 9.12 


Jeonnam Museum of Art

빌 비올라, 트리스탄의 승천, 2005, 비디오/사운드 설치, 사진: 키라 페로브, 국립현대미술관 소장, ⒸBill Viola Studio,

Bill Viola, Tristan’s Ascension, 2005, Video/Sound installation, Photograph: Kira Perov, Collection of MMCA, ⒸBill Viola Studio

코로나 19로 인한 감염증과 사망자들, 기후 위기로 진화가 어려운 산불, 전쟁으로 설 곳을 잃은 사람들. 우리 모두 상실의 시대를 살고 있다. 전남도립미술관은 우리를 관통하는 상실과 이를 극복하기 위한 애도의 과정을 추적하기 위해 전시를 마련했다. 과거의 충격이 현재로 이어지는 트라우마의 경험은, 심리적 고통을 극복하기 위한 승화의 과정으로 이어진다. 이번 전시에서 소개하는 작가들의 작품 또한 이러한 상실의 과정을 애도하고, 현재를 살아가기 위한 승화의 결과물이다. 전시는 크게 유년 시절의 기억과 멀어진 나, 살아가는 터전의 상실, 사랑하는 이의 상실 세 개의 주제로 나뉜다. 상실의 경험이 사람마다 다르게 일어나고, 그 고통의 지점에 따라 극복하는 방법도 다르다는 데에 착안했다. 전시는 묻는다. 상실의 끝에는 무엇이 남는지, 당신은 무엇을 잃었는지, 애도는 과거에 관한 일인지, 미래에 관한 일인지. ‘애도’가 주로 과거의 경험에 대한 것이라는 개념에서 한 걸음 나아가 미래를 향한 발걸음이 되기를 바라는 것으로 읽어볼 수 있다.

People have died or otherwise suffered from COVID-19, others have lost their homes due to forest fires hard to put out due to climate change, while others have been displaced during war-all of us are living during times of loss. The Jeonnam Museum of Art has prepared this exhibition to track the loss that pierces our hearts and the process of mourning. Traumatic experiences where past shocks continue to affect us in the present lead to a sublimation process to overcome mental anguish. The works presented in this exhibition are the results of such sublimation, exploring loss suffered and still lived by the artists who created these works. The exhibition asks: What is left at the end of a loss? What have you lost? Is mourning about the past or about the future? It can be read as hoping that “mourning” will be a step to open the way for us to move on from the past and toward the future.

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03015 서울 종로구 홍지문1길 4 (홍지동44) 김달진미술연구소 T +82.2.730.6214 F +82.2.730.9218