

  • 트위터
  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


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인간의 고귀함을 지킨 화가 조르주 루오 The Painter Who Preserved the Nobility of Human Beings: Georges ROUAULT


인간의 고귀함을 지킨 화가 조르주 루오

The Painter Who Preserved the Nobility of Human Beings: Georges ROUAULT

10.6 - 2023.1.29 


Jeonnam Museum of Art

공연 행렬, 1934, 요판 인쇄, 45×34cm,

조르주 루오 재단 소장

Frontispice-Parade, 1934, 17 aquatinte, Cirque de

l’Etoile Filante, 45×34cm,

Ⓒ Foundation Georges Rouault, Paris

전남도립미술관은 2022-23 전남 방문의 해를 기념하여 프랑스 국립현대미술관과 조르주 루오 재단의 협력으로 이루어진 대규모 회고전을 개최한다. 조르주 루오(1871-1958)는 20세기 전반 마티스와 피카소를 뛰어넘는 당대 최고의 작가이다. 그는 삶 전체를 관통하는 두번의 세계대전과 전쟁이 남긴 상흔을 가난하고 소외된 사회적 약자에 대한 깊은 애정으로 환원시켰다. 그의 대표 판화작품 <미제레레>를 비롯해 회화와 도자기, 태피스트리, 스테인드글라스 등 200여 작품을 중심으로 ‘조르주 루오의 회상록’, ‘여인들, 누드’, ‘정물과 풍경’, ‘예수 그리스도의 수난’, ‘미제레레’, ‘서커스와 광대’ 총 여섯 개의 주제로 이루어져 있다. 예술은 삶을 기록하고 우리는 그 안에 담긴 심층적 흔적을 찾아간다. 전쟁과 가난, 고통으로 이어지는 인간 부재의 시대에 인간의 고귀함을 지키고, 삶의 본질에 대해 질문을 던지며, 루오의 작품을 통해 따뜻한 위로와 함께 보는 삶에 대해 공감하는 자리가 되길 바란다.

In commemoration of the 2022-23 Visit Jeonnam Year, the Jeonnam Museum of Art is a large-scale retrospective exhibition in collaboration with the Centre Pompidou in France and the Foundation Georges ROUAULT. As the greatest artist of the time in the first half of the 20th century surpassing Henri MATISSE and Pablo Ruiz PICASSO, Georges Henri ROUAULT (1871-1958). Two world wars passed through his life, but he turned the scars left by war into deep affection for the poor and marginalized people in society. About 200 of ROUAULT’s works including his representative print work, <Miserere>, along with other paintings, ceramics, tapestry and stained glass work in six different themes - ‘Souvenirs Intimes’, ‘Women, Nude’, ‘Still Life and Landscapes’, ‘The Passion of Jesus Christ’, ‘Miserere’ and ‘Circus and Clowns’. Art records life and we seek deep traces held within it. In an era of human absence that leads to war, poverty and suffering which lie at the foundation of that way of survival, we hope this exhibition will be an opportunity to sympathize with ROUAULT’s works which preserve human nobility and raise questions about the essence of life and be comforted by them.

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