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  • 인스타그램1604
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임흥순·오메르 파스트 IM Heung-soon·Omer FAST


임흥순·오메르 파스트

IM Heung-soon·Omer FAST

2022.11.17 - 4.2 


SeMA, Buk-Seoul Museum of Art

오메르 파스트, 차고 세일, 2022, 3채널 비디오 설치, 컬러, 사운드, 29분 30초,

© 오메르 파스트, 사진: Lukas STREBEL

Omer FAST, Garage Sale, 2022, 3-channel video installation, color, sound,

29 min 30 sec, © Omer FAST, photo by Lukas STREBEL

타이틀 매치는 이번에 9회를 맞는 서울시립북서울미술관의 대표적인 연례 전시다. 영상설치 미술가이자 영화감독인 임흥순과 오메르 파스트를 초청한 이번 전시는 다양한 주제와 형식의 영상을 바탕으로 창조된 두 세계의 정수를 선보인다. ‘2022 타이틀 매치: 임흥순 vs. 오메르 파스트 《컷!》’을 구성하는 13점의 출품작은 크고 작은 스크린을 통해 짧고 긴 호흡의 이야기를 들려준다. 전시는 임흥순과 오메르 파스트의 다채로운 작품을 고루 보여주기보다는 이들이 창조하는 세계의 본질을 가장 잘 드러내는 최근작을 중심으로 구성된다. 이는 두 작가의 예술 세계를 구축해 온 고유 언어가 정점에 이르러 가장 빛을 발하는 순간을 충분히 음미할 기회를 제공할 것이다. 또한, 임흥순과 오메르 파스트는 이번 전시에서 신작 <파도>와 <차고 세일>을 각각 선보인다. 두 작품은 기획과 구성 방식, 내용, 서술기법 등에서 내밀하고도 메타적인 요소를 포함하며, 자신과 세계를 대상으로 근원을 탐색하는 개념적이고 복합적인 사유를 다채널 화면 위에 펼쳐낸다.

Title Match is an annual exhibition organized by the SeMA, Buk-Seoul Museum of Art. Celebrating its ninth rendition, this year’s Title Match invites IM Heung-soon and Omer FAST who work both as visual artists and filmmakers, presenting the essence of their artistic worlds of wide-ranging themes and artistic forms. The thirteen artworks that consist of the ‘2022 Title Match’ exhibition tell us the stories at different paces. Instead of surveying the diverse works of IM Heung-soon and Omer FAST, the exhibition focuses on presenting the two artists’ most recent works that show the essence of the worlds they create. Such an approach will provide an opportunity to fully appreciate the moments at which the artists’ unique languages reach their peak to produce fruitful results. In addition, IM Heung soon and Omer FAST premiere their new works in this exhibition, which are respectively titled <The Waves> and <Garage Sale>. These two works incorporate intimate and meta-elements in terms of framework, composition, content, and narrative technique. On the multi-channel screens, they unfold conceptual and complex thinking to explore the origin of the self and the world.

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03015 서울 종로구 홍지문1길 4 (홍지동44) 김달진미술연구소 T +82.2.730.6214 F +82.2.730.9218