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  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


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한국사진사 인사이드 아웃, 1929-1982 A History of Korean Photography Inside Out, 1929-1982


한국사진사 인사이드 아웃, 1929-1982

A History of Korean Photography Inside Out, 1929-1982

2022.12.21 - 4.16 

뮤지엄한미 삼청 

Museum Hanmi Samcheong

정해창, 1920-30, 12.2×16.4cm, 뮤지엄한미 소장, ⓒ 정형식

JUNG Haechang, 1920-30s, 12.2×16.4cm,

Museum Hanmi Collection, ⓒ CHUNG Hyungsik

뮤지엄한미 삼청 신축 개관전으로 마련한 ‘한국사진사 인사이드 아웃, 1929-1982’은 우리의 사진 역사를 되짚는 전시이다. 한국 사진은 어떠한 제도적 조건과 역사적 문맥 속에서 역사를 일궈갔는지 밝히고자 기획하였다. 1929년 광화문빌딩 2층에서 열렸던 정해창의 ‘예술사진 개인전람회’부터 1982년 덕수궁 국립현대미술관 석조전 서관에서 ‘원로작가 초대전’의 일환으로 열렸던 ‘임응식 회고전’에 이르는 한국사진사의 주요 연보를 재구성한다. 전시는 신문사가 주최한 공모전들로 사진가의 예술적, 사회적 승인형식이 확립된 1930년대부터 한국 사진계의 외향성을 불렀던 1950-60년대 해외 사진 공모전 그리고 반세기 이상 한국 사진계를 지배했던 관전과 민전의 당선작을 두루 살핀다. 이후 공모전 형식에서 벗어나 개인전의 형식을 통해 사진가 개인의 이력을 키워나간 작가의 작품도 함께 소개된다. 200여 점의 사진과 100여 점의 아카이브 자료를 만나볼 수 있으며 전시작은 당대의 사진적 조건과 사진가 고유의 미학적 성향을 담지한다고 여겨지는 빈티지 프린트로 구성하고자 하였다.

The Museum of Photography, Seoul is reborn as Museum Hanmi in 2022 with its first special exhibition that provides a bird’s-eye view of the history of our nation’s photography, entitled ‘A History of Korean Photography Inside Out 1929-1982’. The exhibition centers on the institutional aspects of Korean photography spanning from 1929 to 1982: in other words, the institutional conditions and historic context against which Korean photography has developed. Using the History of Korean Photography exhibition held in 1998 as reference, which covered the 120 years of Korean photography with some 1,000 photos, Museum Hanmi focuses on systems and major events that moved Korean photography circles. This historical exhibition features some 200 photos including vintage prints together with archival materials. We hope that this special exhibition will shed new light on the history of Korean photography not only for the photography community but also for the entire Korean art world.

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03015 서울 종로구 홍지문1길 4 (홍지동44) 김달진미술연구소 T +82.2.730.6214 F +82.2.730.9218