

  • 트위터
  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


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알렉스 카츠 Alex KATZ


알렉스 카츠


2022.12.9 - 3.26 

에스파스 루이 비통 서울

Espace Louis Vuitton Seoul


Installation View

에스파스 루이 비통 서울은 알렉스 카츠(1927- )의 ‘반향’ 전시를 공개한다. 이번 전시는 루이 비통 재단 미술관의 컬렉션 소장품을 에스파스 루이 비통 서울, 도쿄, 뮌헨, 베네치아, 베이징, 오사카에 소개하는 “미술관 벽 너머” 프로그램의 일환으로 개최된다. 이는 소장품에 대한 국제적인 접근성을 높여 더 많은 대중에게 작품 관람 기회를 제공하고자 하는 재단의 목표를 반영한다. 여성의 모습을 담아낸 초상화 및 풍경화로 화단과 대중의 눈을 사로잡는 알렉스 카츠는 주로 자신의 주변을 소재로 삼아 작업하며, 특히 작가의 아내 에이다는 250점이 넘는 초상화의 모델로 등장한다. 작가는 실제 대상을 관찰해 오일 스케치에 이어 세밀한 펜슬 또는 목탄 드로잉을 거쳐 캔버스에 그리는 일련의 과정을 단 한번의 작업으로 완성한다. 알렉스 카츠는 자연과 자신이 사랑하는 것들을 마치 낙원을 향하는 듯한 시선을 통해 바라본다. 90세 이상 노장의 손끝에서 나오는 생기 넘치고 신선한 표현 덕분에 젊은 세대들 또한 카츠의 작품을 향한 관심이 높다.

The Espace Louis Vuitton Seoul presents a new exhibition of works by Alex KATZ with a selection of exclusive pieces from the Collection as part of the Fondation Louis Vuitton’s “Hors-les-murs” programme. This programme unfolds at the Espaces Louis Vuitton in Tokyo, Munich, Venice, Beijing, Seoul, and Osaka, pursuing the Fondation’s ambition to reach an international audience. Known for his portraits of women and his landscapes, KATZ mostly paints those close to him. His wife, Ada, is the subject of more than 250 portraits. A feeling of tranquility and the representation of an idealized American way of life emerge by way of a meticulous, multi step process. Observational oil sketches are followed by detailed pencil or charcoal drawings transferred to the canvas, which KATZ paints in a single studio session. Alex KATZ takes an Edenic view of nature and his loved ones. The artist's youthful and refreshing touch, though KATZ is over 90 years of age, explains the new interest in his work among younger generations.

하단 정보


03015 서울 종로구 홍지문1길 4 (홍지동44) 김달진미술연구소 T +82.2.730.6214 F +82.2.730.9218