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  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


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환기미술관 개관 30주년-미술관 일기 Museum Recollections


환기미술관 개관 30주년-미술관 일기

Museum Recollections

4.15 - 7.10 


Whanki Museum

전시 전경

Installation view of the exhibition

환기미술관은 개관 30주년을 기념하며 1992년 개관 이후 지금까지 미술관의 역사를 미술관 아카이브와 실제 전시된 작품들을 통해 소개하여 환기미술관이 수화 김환기의 작품세계를 알리는 전시공간의 역할을 넘어 현대미술관으로서 어떠한 역할을 수행하며 변화해 왔는지를 보여주기 위해 기획되었으며, 환기미술관 본관, 수향산방, 별관 3개 관에서 3개의 주제로 각각 펼쳐진다.

본관에서 진행 중인 전시 ‘미술관 일기’는 지난 30년간 환기미술관에서 진행된 200여 회의 지난 전시를 시대순으로 정리하여 시대별로 환기미술관의 특징을 잘 보여주는 주요전시를 선정, 당시 출품된 작품 및 전시 관련 영상이나 사진 등의 아카이브 자료 등과 함께총 5개의 챕터와 12개의 소주제로 재구성했다. 김환기 관련 전시들이 재현됨에 따라 <매화와 항아리>(1957) 와 같은 김환기 전반기작품부터 후기 점화까지 김환기 전 시기 주요 작품 및 김환기의 표지화, 파피에 마쉐 등 다양한 김환기 작품들과 환기재단 작가 및 역대 프리환기(Prix Whanki) 수상자 작품 등이 함께 전시되어 있다.

Celebrating the 30th anniversary of Whanki Museum opening, the museum introduces the history of the museum through archives and works to show how it has changed as acontemporary art museum beyond the role of an artist museum for Suwha KIM Whanki. 

The exhibition ‘The 30th anniversary of the Whanki Museum-Museum Recollections’ has been reorganized into 5chapters and 12 sub-themes, including archives of works andexhibition related videos and photos submitted at the time, by organizing more than 200 exhibitions in chronological order. As KIM Whanki related exhibitions are reproduced, various Whanki’s works from the <Plum Blossoms and Jar>(1957) to the late all-over dot painting series, collages and paper objectsare on display. It is also presented the art works by the Whanki Foundation artists and the Prix Whanki winners.

하단 정보


03015 서울 종로구 홍지문1길 4 (홍지동44) 김달진미술연구소 T +82.2.730.6214 F +82.2.730.9218