

  • 트위터
  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


인쇄 스크랩 URL 트위터 페이스북 목록

생의 찬미 Prayer for Life


생의 찬미

Prayer for Life

6.1 - 9.25 

국립현대미술관 과천

MMCA Gwacheon

작자미상, 매화 책거리도(8폭 병풍), 19세기, 종이에 채색, 118×292cm, 개인 소장

Artist unknown, Chaekgeorido with Plum Blossoms(eight-panel folding screen), unknown date, Color on paper,

118×292cm, Private collection

민화와 궁중회화, 종교화, 기록화 등을 아우르는 한국의 채색화는 우리의 삶과 함께하며 나쁜 기운을 몰아내고(벽사) 복을 불러들이며(길상) 교훈을 전하고(문자도) 중요한 이야기를 역사에 남기고자 하는(기록화) 등 다양한 역할을 해왔다. 채색화는 전통 회화에서 큰 비중을 차지하고 있었음에도 조선 시대 이후 문인들의 수묵 감상화 위주 미술사 서술이 주류를 이루고, 장식과 기복의 ‘역할’을 지닌 회화를 순수예술로 보지 않았던 근대 이후 예술개념의 형성으로 인해 오랫동안 한국 미술사에서 소외됐다. 이번 전시는 한국 채색화의 전통적인 역할에 주목하고, 역할별로 19세기-20세기 초에 제작된 민화와 궁중 장식화, 그리고 20세기 후반 이후 제작된 창작 민화와 공예, 디자인, 서예, 회화 등을 아우르는 다양한 장르 80여 점의 작품으로 구성된 특별전이다.

Encompassing folk, court, religious, and documentary paintings, the Korean Polychrome painting has played a number of roles in the lives of Korean people, warding off evil spirits, attracting good fortune, delivering moral messages, and documenting important historical events. While polychrome painting takes up a significant portion of traditional Korean paintings, it has long been excluded from mention in Korean art history partly because mainstream art history as established post-Joseon Dynasty focused on ink-and-wash landscape works by literary artists. The post-modern concept of fine art largely disregarded any type of painting produced for decoration or blessing. This exhibition focuses on the functions of traditional polychrome painting, showcasing around 80 works from diverse genres classified by function including folk and decorative court paintings produced between the 19th and early 20th centuries and modern folk paintings, craft works, designs, calligraphy, and other types of works produced since the late 20th century.

하단 정보


03015 서울 종로구 홍지문1길 4 (홍지동44) 김달진미술연구소 T +82.2.730.6214 F +82.2.730.9218