

  • 트위터
  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


인쇄 스크랩 URL 트위터 페이스북 목록

명랑 학문, 유쾌한 지식, 즐거운 앎 Cheerful Learning, Delightful Knowledge, Joyful Knowing


명랑 학문, 유쾌한 지식, 즐거운 앎

Cheerful Learning, Delightful Knowledge, Joyful Knowing

4.4 - 7.30 


Art Archives, Seoul Museum of Art

사진 전명은

Photography CHUN Eun

최민(1944-2018)은 시인, 미술 전문 번역가, 비평가, 교육자로 활동하며 다양한 예술 매개활동에 평생을 헌신했다. 우리에게는 에른스트 곰브리치의 『서양미술사』와 존 버거의 『다른 방식으로 보기』의 번역가, 미술운동 그룹 ‘현실과 발언’의 창립 동인으로 친숙한 그가 다방면에서 펼친 활동은 문학과 미술, 미술과 영상, 예술과 사회, 예술과 대중을 매개하며 시각문화의 장을 확장한 의의를 지닌다. 최민 컬렉션은 최민이 평생에 걸쳐 수집한 작품 161점과 자료 24,924건으로 이루어져 있다. 미술, 영화, 문학, 서지학 등 여러 분야의 연구자가 최민 컬렉션을 탐구한 결과를 바탕으로 구성된 이 전시는 학제, 언어, 문화권의 경계를 초월한 다채로운 연구 모험을 증거하는 컬렉션의 길잡이가 되어 줄 것이다.

CHOI Min(1944-2018) was a poet, a translator, an art critic and an educator who devoted his life to mediating the arts through diverse activities. Familiar to us as the translator of Ernst GOMBRICH’s 『The Story of Art』 and John BERGER’s 『Ways of Seeing』, and as a founding member of the art movement group “Reality and Utterance,” he was a mediator between literature and art, art and video, art and society, art and the public, expanding the fields of visual culture, and his work carries great significance. The CHOI Min Collection consists of 161 artworks and 24,924 other materials that he collected during his life. This exhibition has been composed on the basis of findings through research on the CHOI Min Collection, conducted by researchers from diverse fields including art, cinema, literature and bibliography. It itself is a testimony to this diverse research adventure crossing over the borders of discipline, language and culture.

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