

  • 트위터
  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


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파리팡세 : 파리- 그 상상력의 힘


파리- 그 상상력의 힘 


현대인들에게 있어 상상력은 과거시대에 단지꿈에 불과하다고 치부했던 불가능한 일들을 실현 가능케 하는 원천이 되고 있습니다.

상상력이 낳은 힘은 결국 창의성을 부화시켜현 시대를 살아가는 모든 분야의 사람들이 경쟁에서의 승리로 이끄는 궁극적 열쇠로 인식하고 있는 것이 사실입니다.

그리고 이러한 창의성은 시스템의 메커니즘에서나오는 것이 아니라 자유분방함, 억압되지 않은 마음의 상태에서만이 가능한 것입니다.

그것은 오로지 새로움에 대한 갈망, 다른 것 들에 대한 편견 없는 이해, 유연한 사고에서 창의력은 가능하기때문입니다.

그리고 이러한 창의력 향상을 발아시키는 것이곧 예술일 것입니다.

예술은 분명,눈에 보이지 않는 것조차도 표현해 내며 현실공간에서 불가능한 상황을 연출해낼 수 있는 상상력의 마당이기 때문입니다.

“예술은 21세기에요구되는 창의적 상상력을 촉발한다”고 ‘생각의 탄생’ 저자인 로버트 미셸 루트번스타인 교수는 강조하고 있습니다.

이러한 상상력을 펼쳐낼 수 있는 원천은 생각의유연성과 인문학적인 지식이 그 바탕을 이루고 있어야만 합니다.

‘해리포터’를지은 조앤 롤링이 아니었으면 영국이 제2의 외환위기를 맞았을 것이란 정도로 그녀의 상상을 펼친 창의력의영향은 대단한 것이었음을 우리는 알고 있습니다. 아이 팟, 아이폰, 아이패드 등 ‘아이’시리즈로이어지는 독창적인 제품을 내놓고 있는 미국 애플사의 스티브 잡스가 상상력, 그리고 인문학을 유난히 강조해온것도 우리는 잘 알고 있습니다. 많은 사람들이 상상력을 키우기 위해 갖은 방법으로 프로그램을 개발하고새로운 컨텐츠를 개발하고 창의력 개발에 열을 올리고 있음을 봅니다.

그러나 창의력을 길러주기 위해 획기적인 프로그램을개발하고 이를 적용하려 해도 사회인프라나 교육환경이 이민족의 차별, 타종교의 배척, 남녀차별에서 비롯된 편견이 바탕에 깔려있다면 창의력은 잘 배양되지 않을 것입니다. 

파리에는 수많은 미술관과 갤러리, 그리고 박물관들이 있습니다.

특히 중심가에 자리잡은 기술공예박물관은 전세계 산업기술 흐름을 연대순으로 볼 수 있는 곳으로 측정도구 통신기기 건축 기계 교통수단 등 7개 분야에걸쳐 3천 개가 넘는 인류의 발명품들이 전시 되어 있습니다.

1642년 세계 최초 파스칼이 만든 계산기나 저울, 자 등이 각 나라 것들과 비교 전시되어 있습니다. 물론 자전거의경우, 처음에는 체인이 없어 언덕 아래로 굴러만 가는 것에서 지금의 변속기어까지 발명된 것들을 볼 수있습니다. 

파리의 아이들은 그곳에서 단순히 ‘관람하는 것’이 아니라 만지고 직접 몸으로 부딪치면서 상상력을 키워나가고다양한 주제들을 체험해 보며 상상의 나래를 펼칩니다. 

인간은 좋은 것을 보면 더 좋은 것을 찾게됩니다. 그것이 인간의 속성이기 때문입니다. 

“자신의 꿈을 믿으라”고 역설하는 프랑스 문학가 베르나르 베르베르의 말 속에는 프랑스 사람들의 상상의 힘이 어디서 나오는 지를 잘대변해 주고 있는 것입니다.

그는 글쓰기는 습관이며, 작가는 자신의 꿈을 소중히 다뤄야 한다고 말하고 있습니다. 

‘고독에 대비하고, 동시에 이를 즐기라’고 한 베르베르- 그는 ‘개미’를 12년 걸려 썼습니다. 여기에서 우리는 생각해 보아야 합니다. 상상력을 기르기 위해 자신이 선택한 일을 즐기고 그것에 몰입되면 결국 고독하게 되는데 이 고독을 넘어서야 한다는그것 말입니다.

자유로운 사고와 유연한 상상의 마당이 잘 조성된사회, 자신의 내면에서 들리는 소리를 끄집어 내는 힘, 이것이바로 상상의 원천이며 파리사람들의 힘을 도처에서 보게 되는 것입니다.



PARIS - The power ofits' imagination


Today, people's imagination in the bygone era was dismissed only a dream that impossible things can become a source of a realistic possibility. Eventually, we got creative power of imagination gave birth to modern times by people from all walks of life that led to victory in the competition are recognized as key to the ultimate fact. And this creativity comes not from the mechanics of the freewheeling system, not repression is possible only in a state of mind. It is only the desire for novelty, without prejudice to any other thing to understand, probably because of the creativity in flexible thinking. And to improve the creativity that germinated yesulil will soon. Artis clear, invisible, even those expressed in real space naemyeo make it impossible to produce because of the imagination of the yard. 'Art in the 21st century is required to spark the creative imagination,' he thought 'the birth of the author Robert Root, Michelle Bernstein is a professor emphasized. Stretch of the imagination, the flexibility of thought, and the origins of the humanities, based on that knowledge must be achieved. 'Harry Potter' JK Rowling, it was not built for the British currency crisis hit in my two rea expand the creative imagination of much of her influence was great and we know that. iPot, iphones, such as iPad 'i' series coming up with creative products, leading to the U.S.Apple's Steve Jobs' imagination, and the humanities, we are aware of anything exceptionally gangjohaeon. A lot of people in every way to foster imagination and develop programs and develop new content and creativity that you try to raise the heat. However, to encourage creativity and develop innovative programs and even tried to apply it Prana educational environment is alien society, discrimination, exclusion of other religions, gender discrimination stems from prejudice based on creativity if the underlying is not a good culture. In Paris, numerous museums and galleries, and museums can. CraftMuseum, this technology, especially in the heart of industrial technology in the world to see chronological flow measurement tool to a place where transportation and communications equipment construction machinery across seven areas more than 3000 inventions of mankind are displayed. 1642 Pascal created the world's first calculator or scales, and each country compared to those who are on display. Of course, the bicycle, the chain is not the first time going down the hill from gulreoman de transmission until now can see things invented. Children in Paris, where simply 'be watching' rather than directly touching the body, imagination, nestled buditchimyeonseo watching experience a variety of topics, extend your imagination. Look at the good things people will find something better. This is because it is the property of humans. 'Believe in your dreams,' he stressed that the French literature of the late bernard Werber inside the imagination of the people of France, where the power is out for what would echo. He is in the habit of writing, the author says that his dream deal is valued. 'In contrast to loneliness, just enjoy it at the same time that' a Berber - he 'ants' and hung wrote 12 years. From here we will have to think about it. In order to raise the imagination of their choice and commitment to work when it finally enjoying the solitude and go beyond the two that are lonely, it says. Free-thinking and flexible, well-landscaped community courtyard of the imagination, pull out your own inner voice heard in the force, and this is a source of the imaginative power of the people will be seen in around Paris.


from Paris Takyoung Jung





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