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  • 인스타그램1604
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파리의 마에스트로: 이응노&이성자 Maestros in Paris: LEE Ungno&RHEE Seundja


파리의 마에스트로: 이응노&이성자

Maestros in Paris: LEE Ungno&RHEE Seundja

7.19 - 9.18 


Lee Ungno Museum

이성자, 어제와 내일, 1962, 캔버스에 유채, 145×114cm, 진주시립이성자미술관 소장

RHEE Seundja, Hier et demain, 1962, Oil on canvas, 145×114cm, Collection of Rhee Seundja Jinju Museum of Art

1960년 3월 파리의 세르클 볼니(Cercle Volney) 화랑에서 재불화가 9명이 그룹전을 열었다. 이응노, 이성자, 권옥연, 김흥수, 박인경, 장두건 등 모두 1950년대 도불한 작가들이 참여한 전시였다. 1958-61년 사이 파리 거주 한국인은 약 160-170명으로 매우 작은 그룹을 이루고 있었고 이 가운데 75%가 유학생이었다. 미술인은 당연히 소수였다. 세르클 볼니 화랑의 그룹전은 소수의 재불화가가 모여 자신들의 예술적 성취를 알린 중요한 전시로 이들이 ‘에콜 드 파리’ 한인 세력을 이루며 긴밀히 교류하고 있었다는 점을 보여준다. 이 외에도 이성자와 이응노는 1975년 브라질 상파울로비엔날레에도 함께 참가하기도 했다. 전시 ‘이응노&이성자’는 두 화가의 예술을 상호 연관 속에서 다뤄본다. 프랑스 화단에서 한국 화가들이 취한 예술적 전략, 작가의 정체성을 담은 전통 모티브 활용, 서구적 추상의 완성과 그 과정에서 프랑스 예술이 한국 현대미술에 끼친 영향 등을 살펴본다.

In March 1960, an exhibition was hosted at the Galerie Cercle Volney in Paris featuring the artworks of nine Korean artists-including LEE Ungno, RHEE Seundja, KWON Okyeon, KIM Heungsu, PARK Inkyung, and JANG Dugeon-all of whom had moved to France in the 1950s. From 1958 to 1961 only about 160 to 170 Koreans lived in Paris, 75 percent of whom were students studying abroad, making the population of Korean artists living in Paris even smaller. In addition to showcasing the artistic accomplishments of the Korean community, who were in the small minority, the 1960 exhibition at Galerie Cercle Volney also celebrated the works of the “Ecole de Paris,” a group of artists who interacted closely with one another. The ‘LEE Ungno&RHEE Seundja’ exhibition explores the creations of the two artists from the perspective of their working relationship. It also explores the artistic strategies implemented by Korean artists in France, the use of traditional Korean motifs to reflect the identity of each individual artist, the culmination of Western abstractionism, and the impact of French art on contemporary Korean art.

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