

  • 트위터
  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


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제6회 박수근미술상 수상작가전: 김주영 The 6th PARK Soo Keun Art Award: KIM Joo Young


제6회 박수근미술상 수상작가전: 김주영

The 6th PARK Soo Keun Art Award: KIM Joo Young

5.6 - 10.3 


PARK Soo Keun Museum in Yanggu County

전시 전경

Installation view of the exhibition

박수근미술상은 박수근 선생의 예술정신을 계승 발전시키면서 현재 활발하게 작품 활동을 하는 작가를 지원하고자 제정되었다. 제6회 박수근미술상 수상작가 김주영 작가는 그간 노마드 정신과 노마드적 삶과 예술의 가치에 하드코어를 두고 평면, 입체, 퍼포먼스, 설치 등 다양한 표현방식으로 작품세계를 실천한다. 특히 그의 치열한 작가정신과 끊임없는 탐색을 지속하며 자본주의 시스템의 예속이 심각한 오늘의 미술계의 폐해 상황 속에서 오염된 미술계의 메커니즘에서 거리를 두고 수도승처럼 확고한 미술 세계를 구축하고, 무엇보다도 정신분석학에서 시작하여 동시대 예술철학까지를 관통하며 저술한 담론을 출간하고 있어 사유와 제작의 일체화를 실천해온 작가라는 점을 주목할 만하다. 이번 전시에서 작가의 다양한 표현방식을 살펴볼 수 있으며, 전시는 작품부터 작가의 아카이브 자료까지 펼쳐진다.

The PARK Soo-keun Art Prize is established to support artists who actively engage in art practices while inheriting and developing the art spirit of PARK Soo-keun. The awarded artist of the 6th PARK Soo-keun Art Prize, Joo Young KIM, has practiced her art while being a hardcore nomadic and valuing nomadic life and art through two-dimensional works, three-dimensional works, performance, and installation. She has especially established himself firmly in the art world as a monk away from the polluted mechanisms of the art world today - where subordination by the system of capitalism is serious - by continuing her intense interest in art and research. Above all, her publication which discusses the topic starting from psychoanalysis and going through to contemporary art philosophy brings attention to her as an artist who has practiced the unification of ideas and creations. This exhibition presents the general context of the artist’s career for us to enjoy her art world with her artworks and archives.

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03015 서울 종로구 홍지문1길 4 (홍지동44) 김달진미술연구소 T +82.2.730.6214 F +82.2.730.9218