

  • 트위터
  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


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구름산책자 Cloud Walkers



Cloud Walkers

9.2 - 2023.1.8 


Leeum Museum of Art

전시 전경, 2022, 리움미술관, 사진: 김상태

Installation View, 2022, Leeum Museum of Art, Photo: Sangtae KIM

기후 위기, 팬데믹과 전쟁으로 인해 지역과 국가를 넘나드는 확장된 시각과 문화적 연대, 그리고 문명 전환의 상상력이 요구되는 시기, 세계질서를 좌우하는 영향력이 확대된 아시아 사회와 예술의 역할에 대해 다시 질문하는 것도 중요해 보인다. 복잡하게 얽혀 있던 기존의 지정학적 프레임에서 벗어난, 보다 사려 깊고 자유로우며 지속가능한 미래는 어떻게 가능할 수 있을까? 본 전시는 이러한 고민에서 출발한다. 기후적, 공상적, 하이퍼링크적 의미를 두루 함의하는 구름/클라우드는 21세기의 새로운 사회문화적 환경에 대한 은유이자, 지정학적 경계를 횡단하는 가상의 플랫폼이다. 전시에 참여하는 다양한 분야의 예술가들은 이러한 클라우드 세계를 자유로이 활보하며 동시대와 미래사회 문제를 새롭고 비판적인 시선으로 바라보는 산책자, 실천가, 공상가들이다. 상생과 기술 발전을 균형 있게 조율하는 이들은 지구환경에 대한 책임감 속에서 지속가능한 공존을 위한 연구와 실천을 전개하고, 수많은 데이터를 재구성하면서 시공을 넘나드는 이상하고 무한한 상상을 펼치며, 물질/비물질, 현실/가상이 교차하는 새로운 공감각적 세계를 경험케 한다.

Today, needing both a macro point of view and a micro level of care, one is called to expand our perspectives to span countries and regions, to form new cultural solidarities and cultivate the kind of imaginative power that transforms civilizations. At the same time, one must also reexamine the role of Asian art and society as a whole in this historical moment, when Asia’s influence on the world order has grown so significantly. Cloud Walkers explores how to move beyond the complex entanglements of existing geopolitical frameworks toward a more sustainable, liberated, and considerate future. The word “cloud” in the exhibition title here speaks to climate, imagination, and hyperlinks alike; it stands as a metaphor for the new sociocultural environment of the 21st century and serves as a virtual platform for sharing across geopolitical boundaries. The works in the exhibition are by those who move freely through this cloud world-the walkers and flâneurs, workers and doers, dreamers and visionaries. Coming from a wide range of backgrounds, these artists bring new and critical perspectives to the issues faced by our contemporary-and future-society.

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03015 서울 종로구 홍지문1길 4 (홍지동44) 김달진미술연구소 T +82.2.730.6214 F +82.2.730.9218