

  • 트위터
  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


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도나 후앙카 Donna HUANCA


도나 후앙카


3.9 - 6.8 

스페이스K 서울 

Space K Seoul

도나 후앙카, 블리스 풀 #1-#12, 2023, 유화, 모래, 캔버스에 디지털 프린트, 320×240cm(각각)

Donna HUANCA, BLISS POOL #1-#12, 2023, oil, sand on digital print on canvas, 320×240cm(each)

코오롱의 문화예술 나눔공간 ‘스페이스K 서울’은 3월 9일부터 6월 8일까지 볼리비아계 미국인 작가 도나 후앙카(Donna HUANCA, 1980- )의 개인전을 개최한다. ‘BLISS POOL(블리스 풀)’이라는 제목으로 열리는 이번 전시는 조각, 설치, 퍼포먼스 등 다양한 매체를 활용해 몰입감 넘치는 종합 예술 공간을 연출한다. 점토, 모래와 같은 천연재료와 플라스틱, 인조 가죽과 같은 인공 재료가 혼합되어 탄생한 신작 20여 점은 인간과 자연에 대한 작가의 관심을 드러내며 신체와 피부에서 출발한 총체적 연출은 관객의 기억, 감각, 감정을 반응시켜 사회와 자연에 대한 통찰로 이어진다. 도나 후앙카는 이번 전시에서 스페이스K 서울 건축의 조형성에서 영감 받아 전시 공간을 구성했다. 전시장 내의 대형 곡선 벽면과 바닥의 둥그런 구조물은 부드럽게 굽은 건축의 형상과 묘하게 연결된다. 여기엔 전시 장소에 대한 의미를 해당 전시에 반영하는 작가의 장소 특정적 성향이 드러난다. 바디 페인팅을 한 모델들이 남긴 흔적, 주변을 아우르는 소리와 향은 관객을 더욱 몰입시킨다.

‘Space K Seoul’ presents a solo exhibition on Donna HUANCA, a Bolivian-American artist, from March 9th to June 8th. In this exhibition,‘BLISS POOL’, the artist uses various media including sculpture, installation, and performance to create an immersive and multi-sensory art space. Mixing natural materials such as clay and sand with man-made materials like plastic and faux leather, the 20 new works begin with her interest in humanity and nature. Starting with the body and skin, the holistic production responds to the viewers’ memories, senses, and emotions, leading to insights into society and nature. For the exhibition, the artist draws inspiration from the formality of the architecture of Space K Seoul to organize the exhibition space. The large curved walls and the rounded structure on the floor in the exhibition hall are connected to the curved shapes of the architecture. This reveals her site-specific orientation, which reflects the meaning of the exhibition site in the exhibition.

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03015 서울 종로구 홍지문1길 4 (홍지동44) 김달진미술연구소 T +82.2.730.6214 F +82.2.730.9218