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  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


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신도원도 新桃源圖 The New Peach Blossom Land Paintings


신도원도 新桃源圖

The New Peach Blossom Land Paintings

3.23 - 5.14 


Woljeon Museum of Art Icheon

장우성, 도원(桃源), 연도미상, 종이에 채색, 90×147cm, 월전미술문화재단

CHANG Woo-Soung, The Peach Blossom Land, Unknown, Ink and colors on paper, 90×147cm, Woljeon Art Culture Foundation

도원도란 상상 속, 동아시아의 낙원에 해당하는 도원을 주제로 한 그림으로 중국 위진남북조시대의 저명한 시인이자 은둔자였던 도연명(365-427)이 지은 문학작품인 『도화원기』가 그 토대가 되었다. 이번 전시는 장우성, 석철주, 김대열, 정종미, 이종송, 최순녕, 유혜경, 김호민, 서은애, 권기수, 임택, 박영길, 구본아, 김신혜, 하루K, 박경묵까지 한국화 작가 16인의 작품을 통해 오늘날의 도원도, 즉 『도화원기』에 근거하지만, 전혀 다른 시각과 표현방식으로 그려낸 ‘신도원도’의 아름다움과 색다른 감각을 선보이려는 의도로 준비되었다. 작가들은 과거 수묵채색화의 전통을 주춧돌 삼아 각자가 거기에 당대성을 더하고 또 자신의 색을 입힌 도원도를 만들어냈다. ‘도원’이라는 장소가 주제이니만큼 출품작은 모두 넓은 의미에서 산수화 혹은 산수인물화에 해당한다. 따라서 현대 한국화에서 산수화의 다양성과 특징의 일면을 보여주는 의미도 지닌다. 서양화의 경우 한국화에 비해 상대적으로 도원을 거의 다루지 않았기 때문에 이번 전시의 출품작은 한국 현대회화의 도원 이미지를 대변한다.

The Peach Blossom Land Paintings is a painting based on the theme of Peach Blossom Land, which is a paradise in East Asia. The literary work of DO Yeon-myeong, a renowned Chinese poet and recluse, was the foundation. The exhibition was prepared with the intention of showing the beauty and different senses of today’s The Peach Blossom Land Paintings, or The New Peach Blossom Land Paintings, which was drawn from a completely different perspective and expression method through the works of 16 artists. Using the tradition of ink-and-wash painting as a cornerstone in the past, the artists created a pottery painting in which each person added his/her contemporary character to it and painted his/her own color. As the theme is the place called “The Peach Blossom Land Paintings,” all of the entries correspond to Landscape paintings in a wide sense. Therefore, it also has a meaning to show one aspect of the diversity and characteristics of landscape painting in modern Korean painting.

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